Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Small and Sexy

This is one of the first puzzles that I found and it took me a while to figure out what this was.

A-Ha! I figured out that it was used to set the teeth on your hand saw. Cool!

History of Tool Porn

This blog started in my head many years ago when I was knee high playing with my grandfather's tools in his damp basement. He had a huge green cabinet that resembled a large card catalog and it had drawers and drawers full of tools. Each drawer was labeled: "Large Screwdrivers", "Open Wrenches", "Pulleys", “Paint Brushes” and even "Ammo". Fascinating! Some kid's wonderment was finding their dad's Playboys; I wanted to know what was in those drawers! For years I’d “help” my grandfather work in the basement and I’d wonder with anticipation…which drawer would he pull out this time?

After my grandfather passed away, he left me a treasure beyond any man (or young boy's) dreams; I now own that green cabinet full of tools. Drawers and drawers of tools...pliers, saws, files, wrenches, punches, hammers, and many, many tools that I have no clue what they do. Each drawer is like a secret time capsule of a bygone era...when craftsmanship meant pride, respect, honor and hard work...not like the quick, get-it-done disposable society we live in today. (Ok, I don’t want you to think that I’m some old dude. I just really have a lot of respect for a time gone by.)
Someday I'll post more about my fascination with tools and how I would rather spend time in a home improvement store than a strip club, but for now, I just hope that you too can feel the same wonder, captivation and adventure I felt when I opened some of these drawers for the first time.